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 Tennis ground

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
لك عين تسأل

عدد المساهمات : 17
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/08/2011

Tennis ground Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Tennis ground   Tennis ground I_icon_minitimeالأحد أغسطس 14, 2011 8:10 pm

Tennis or tennis (in English: Tennis) is a sport where players scramble in the singles matches, or teams

Components of the players in doubles matches. Each player holds a bat for use in striking the ball over the network zone

Discount. Aaldharabiyat and the number is not specific to say in order to destroy Bmcn Aal_khasm


Game ball and tennis live up to its assets century atheist century AD when the circles grew up in the French clerical

Hit them knew Btens yard> Court tennis, and then Raj in French royal circles through the sixth centuries

And seventeenth centuries, and was playing in the yards fenced. The modern game of tennis, it originated in England in 1873.

"Asset play"

Usually practiced in the open air, has practiced in the indoor closed. Scramble, but in this game two or

Four people, each carrying a wooden-headed racket ovoid tendon is taut rubber ball thrown

Ballbad covered. The aim of the scoring play by sending the ball to the opponent fails to reply or so

Give it back, but after that touch the ground more than once, or send to the opponent and force him to reply in a manner affecting

With the network or is located outside the boundaries of the pitch. What distinguishes a game of tennis for the rest of the other games is that it is useful to another

Many parts of the body as well as the consensus requires the exercise of the game between the mind and all the muscles of the body.


The length of the tennis court 78 feet (foot about thirty centimeters), and currently stands at 27 feet (if two Almtarrien

Only) or 36 feet (if the players each pair occupies a couple of them aside from the stadium). And separating the two sides of the pitch

Network at a height of three feet and the middle and at both ends of three and a half feet.

"Tennis ball"

Tennis ball, rubber and light-weight and color of yellow and form a circular clad Ballbad


1 - Grand Slam Tennis

Time: January
Tournament: Australian Open Tennis
Location: Melbourne
Roof pitch: solid ground

When: May-June
Tournament: French Open, and is called Roland Garros International
Location: Paris
Surface Venue: Stadium dirt

When: June-July
Tournament: Wimbledon
Location: London
Roof pitch: ground Herb

When: August-September
Tournament: U.S. Open Tennis
Location: New York
Roof pitch: solid ground

2 - Championship Masters

"Famous players"


Rafael Nadal Spanish nationality
Roger Federer Swiss national
Pete Sampras U.S. citizenship
Andre Agassi U.S. citizenship
Michael Chang, U.S. citizen
Lleyton Hewitt Australian citizenship
Russian, Marat Zaven
Andy Roddick of U.S. citizenship
Novak Djelković Serbian nationality
Boris Becker German nationality
Stefan Edberg Swedish citizenship
Goran Aivaniseevic Croatian nationality


Steffi Graf, German nationality
Arancha Sanchez Vicario Spanish nationality
Monica Seles, an American of Serb nationality
Martina Hingis Swiss nationality
Ana Ivanovic Serbian nationality
Jelena Jankovic Serbian nationality
Justin Enghien Belgian nationality
Serena Williams, U.S. citizenship
Venus Williams, U.S. citizenship
Lindsay Davenport U.S. citizenship
Maria Sharapova Russian citizenship
Emily Mauresmo French nationality
Anastasia Myskina Russian citizenship
Sania Mirza, Indian national

"The benefits of the game for the body"

"Heart": The regular training is a great way to improve heart function, and tennis are on the training of the heart on a regular basis

When being in the stadium to play ball during the point up to a high level of movement and then at least that level when

Rest for 20-30 seconds between the two points.

"Belly": When playing the game of tennis is hard work on the muscles of the center of the body, including muscles

Abdomen and lower back muscles that are not only help maintain balance when running, but more than strikes the ball

Force and pressure on the legs and upper body.

"Head": We all know that the effort to relieve tension, however, the practice of tennis Chhadd mind as Chhadd

The body. Every time you hit the ball must react and respond quickly and if you want to succeed you must

Outlines a strategy for each opponent and this helps to preserve brain activity and his youth.

"Arms" may not get the muscles of Serena Williams, but the weighted bat weight 11 oz can strengthen

Muscles of the upper arm, dual heads, triceps, shoulders and forearms.

"Flexibility": force the game of tennis exercised to extend the dozens of muscles in all parts of the body including the

Muscles do not know.

"Legs": playing tennis is also working to strengthen the muscles of the lower legs and upper quadriceps.

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Tennis ground
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